Selamat Hari Lahir, Gadis Hebat.

Credit picture: Territory Yasmin J Hunwick

Yasmin binti Johan Eusoffe Hunwick Abdullah

22/2/1995 - 3/6/2012

You inspire me to continue to be a better person. To smile, to enjoy my life to the fullest, to hope for the good. Yeah, to hope for the good in everyone. You teach me to love and to let love in. You inspire me to reach for my goals and never settle for less. You inspire me to be the best at anything I want to be just by being amazing. You are beautiful inside and out. That gives me hope there are others out there like you as well. You have been a great inspiration to me. Thank you so much. 

22 Februari.
Min, setiap tahun akak pegang handphone nak contact awak bila tibanya tarikh ni. Dah empat tahun Min akak buat benda sama. But when reality hits me hard in the face, then I realized that you are gone. You are not with me anymore. You are going to a better place, and I know you are happy there.  Akak rindu awak. Dulu akak selalu call time birthday awak. Kita selalu sembang lama-lama. Kita share banyak benda. It will never be the same now. 

Happy Birthday, Min. If only you are still here with me. But I know Allah loves you more. You will be missed. Al-Fatihah. 

Doa akak akan sentiasa mengiringimu, sayang.

"Hidup ini bukan milik kita sepenuhnya." 
(Mufidah Mohamed)

"Everything is on loan. Nothing belongs to us including our own life. Allah owns everything." (Uncle Johan)

"Jangan katakan umur masih muda, masih banyak kesempatan. Tetapi renungkanlah ramai anak kecil yang dikuburkan. Bersedialah untuk mati kerana mati tidak mengenal usia tua ataupun muda. Persiapkan diri dengan amal soleh untuk bekalan masa hadapan." 
(Syair Arab)

"(Allah) yang menciptakan kematian dan kehidupan (di atas dunia ini), buat menguji siapakah dalam kalangan kamu yang lebih baik amal perbuatannya, dan Dia Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Pengampun." 
(Al-Mulk: 2)

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