15 Cara Untuk Sayang Diri Sendiri.
*AMARAN : Entry keseluruhannya dalam Loghat Utara
dan terdapat jugak dalam English :)
Hai hai semua . Hari ni saya nak bagi petua macam mana nak sayang diri sendiri .
Hampa tau dak yang diri hampa semua tu special ? Tau dak . Cheq nak bagitau
kat hampa la , sebelum hampa sayang orang lain , tak kisah la kawan hampa
ka , boyapren hampa ka , sapa sapa aja la , hampa KENA MESTI WAJIB sayang
DIRI HAMPA SENDIRI dulu . Okay kat bawah ni cheq nak bagitau hampa macam
mana nak sayang diri sendiri . Mai mai tengok sat nah .
1. Jatuh cinta dengan diri sendiri . Haha tudia . Mesti hampa gelak kat aku kan ?
Dok buang tabiat pa jatuh cinta dengan diri sendiri . LOL . Okay . Mai sini nak
habaq . Hampa nak orang lain jatuh cinta kat hampa kan ? So , hampa kena jatuh
cinta kat diri sendiri dulu . Macam quote ni kata : "Love yourself first IF you want
others love you ." Okay people . Orang putih kata , love yourself for all the good
that you see and accept your flaws and the fact that you are imperfect .
2. Jadi baik dan positif . Okay , nak tau macam mana caranya ? Duduk depan
cermin , puji diri hampa . Macam ; "Eh , aku ni lawa jugak noh walaupun hitam
melegam blablabla ." Haa see ? Tak susah pon . Praise yourself everyday . Ni
salah satu cara hampa menghargai diri hampa .
3. Mengakui kemampuan diri . Haa ni satu lagi ! Hampa kena mengaku yang
hampa jugak ada kelebihan macam orang lain . Kemampuan ni terlalu universal .
Tak semestinya kemampuan hampa untuk menang atau berjaya dalam sesuatu
perkara ja tapi jugak dalam SEGALA GALANYA yang hampa buat . Mengaku
yang hampa dah buat yang terbaik , walaupun hampa sendiri tak dapat nak
menghasilkan result yang tangible .
4. Let go of worry . Untuk sayang diri hampa , hampa kena elakkan diri hampa
daripada terlalu risau . Pikiaq la dengan bijak okay ? Daripada hampa spend time
hampa risau sesusatu benda tu , baik hampa pikiaq macam mana cara nak
selesaikan masalah tu . Let say kalau problem tu beyond your control , pray
to Allah . Remember sayang , you have Allah . Allah always be with you .
Whenever you rasa alone , sad or what , back to what we are begin . Back
to Allah . InsyaAllah , everything will be okay .
5. Percaya kepada diri sendiri . Okay . Have confidence in your abilities . Know
that you have the ability to make important changes for yourself , for as long as
you put your heart to it . Hampa jangan ingat sesuatu benda tu , orang lain ja
boleh buat . NO dude . BIG NO . Hampa pon boleh . Cuma antara hampa mau
dengan takmau ja .
6. Forgive yourself . If you have made mistakes in the past that had caused
you to feel less worthy , then you need to forgive yourself . All of us make
mistakes ; so there really is no need to beat yourself up over them . Semua
orang tak pernah lepas daripada melakukan dosa . So , maafkan diri kita okay .
7. Buat kenyataan yang positif pasal diri anda . Laaa kenyataan apa pulak dah
ni -,- Tadi suruh puji diri sendiri , la ni dok suruh buat kenyataan pulak . Serabut
ngat aih minah ni . LOL . Tak kisah la apa hampa nak kata . Ni aku nak habaq .
Kenyataan yang aku maksudkan macam ni ; "Saya sayang dan terima diri saya
seadanya , walaupun saya bukan hotstuff ." Haa macam ni :D Benda ni secara
tak langsung boleh meningkatkan self esteem hampa tau dak . Cakap benda yang
positif pasal diri kita SETIAP HARI okay :D
8. Buang kritikan terhadap diri sendiri . Kenapa mesti nak maki diri hampa atas
sebab satu kesalahan kecik ? Lepas tu , selalu pulak cakap diri sendiri bodoh la ,
loser la , bangang la . Phfft . Apa tu ? Tau dak , semua percakapan kita tu adalah
satu doa . Kalau kita cakap benda yang tak baik dekat diri kita , kita pon doa
benda yang sama jugak berlaku kat diri kita . Hmm . Seriously , sapa mau kan
jadi macam tu =.='
9. Have fun . Yes . Wajib . Ceriakan hidup anda wahai kawan kawan ku sayang .
Jangan terlalu serius dalam hidup ni . Okay . Dah macam nama blog aku . HAHA .
LOL . Dan dan , jangan terlalu bersedih . La Tahzan . Menangis sekadar perlu saja .
Ingatan untuk diri aku jugak . Simpanlah airmata tangisan tu semua buat bekalan
untuk menginsafi diri .
10. Learn to see beauty . Dalam Bahasa Melayu dipanggil , belajar melihat
kecantikan . Yes , bila hampa belajaq melihat kecantikan tu , hampa akan nampak
kecantikan dalam diri hampa .
Okay done . Ini cuma pendapat aku tau . Sila jangan judge . Thank you :D
Here is a good affirmation to read and reflect on ;
“I am Me . In all the world , there is no one else exactly like me . Everything that
comes out of me is authentically mine , because I alone chose it — I own everything
about me : my body , my feelings , my mouth , my voice , all my actions , whether
they be to others or myself . I own my fantasies, my dreams , my hopes , my fears .
I own my triumphs and successes , all my failures and mistakes .
Because I own all of me , I can become intimately acquainted with me . By so doing ,
I can love me and be friendly with all my parts . I know there are aspects about
myself that puzzle me , and other aspects that I do not know — but as long as I am
friendly and loving to myself , I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to
the puzzles and ways to find out more about me .
However I look and sound , whatever I say and do , and whatever I think and feel at a
However I look and sound , whatever I say and do , and whatever I think and feel at a
given moment in time is authentically me . If later some parts of how I looked , sounded ,
thought , and felt turn out to be unfitting , I can discard that which is unfitting , keep the
rest , and invent something new for that which I discarded . I can see , hear , feel , think ,
say , and do . I have the tools to survive , to be close to others , to be productive , and to
make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me .
thought , and felt turn out to be unfitting , I can discard that which is unfitting , keep the
rest , and invent something new for that which I discarded . I can see , hear , feel , think ,
say , and do . I have the tools to survive , to be close to others , to be productive , and to
make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me .
I own me , and therefore , I can engineer me . I am me , and I am Okay .”
*take from Denis2005 Virginia Satir quotes
(American Psychologist and Educator, 1916-1988)
Wow ! I was speecless once I read this affirmations . She's totally superb man !
Awesome ! I want to be like her . I want to love myself . I want to appreciate
myself . So people , we can create something 'fantastic' for our own self . So ,
let's do it now .
keys off ~
as.da.name.given :)
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